
Saturday, November 20, 2010

12 Days of Christmas - day two

I know there are a lot of people, not just professional photographers, that have multiple lenses for their cameras. So what do you do with your additional lenses when they're not on the camera? They're expensive toys that need to be protected from dust, dirt and moisture. That's where the lens huggie comes in!

Phat Straps makes these lens huggies to order based on your measurements so they'll fit every lens. I think they're absolute genius! And adorable to boot! I had an SLR with two lenses years ago before I switched to the digital camera I use now. This would have come in so handy for my big zoom lens when I wasn't using it. 

If you are a photographer, or you know one, I think this would make a fabulous stocking stuffer! ;)

Today's Gratitude: Today I am thankful for time with friends... tonight is 'crop night'  and I'm so looking forward to it. I used to scrapbook at crop night, now I sew and work on orders. But the best part is getting together with friends. We don't see each other very often since LM closed last year so it's always a treat when we can get together.

1 comment:

  1. I am so adding this to my Christmas list!!! :) Hubby already has a lens pet on the list. :) Not sure what he will get but it's on the list. :)
