
Sunday, November 21, 2010

12 Days of Christmas - day three

Today's finds totally blew me away when I stumbled upon this shop! Reclaim 2 Fame makes the most incredible art sculptures using old/vintage recycled items, including sometimes - CAMERAS!! Check it out!

Tell me that's not just about the coolest thing you've ever seen!!! I'm totally in love! The puppy pieces pictured above are at the higher end as far as cost (though 100% worth every single penny!), but he also has some smaller, equally amazing pieces that won't break the bank if you're on a budget. ;) Something for everyone! I love that!

What a fun addition to a vintage camera collection these would be!

Today's Gratitude: today I am thankful for the many talented artists that call Etsy home! looking through pages and pages of all the wonderful handmade stuff, adding things to my favorites... it's ALMOST as good as shopping, but without the empty wallet at the end (though I do more than my fair share of shopping there as well, gotta support handmade). ;)

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