
Friday, November 19, 2010

12 Days of Christmas...

I am constantly adding things to my favorite folder on Etsy (it's embarrassing really how many pages and pages of favorites I have). I try to share two of my favorite sellers almost every Friday but for the next twelve days we're doing something new, and it's called... 12 Days of Christmas! All of the items I've chosen are photography/camera related. Some are art pieces, some are handy props and accessories for photographers. I hope you'll enjoy my finds and maybe you'll even find a Christmas gift or two! There's still time to order! ;)

12 DAYS, day one:

I LOVE the stark black of the camera against the small print on the white page behind it. Very striking! :) Winterberry Cottage offers a huge variety of prints on book pages so if the camera isn't for you, maybe you'll find something else to your liking! :)

Check back tomorrow for another fun favorite!

Today's Gratitude: Tonight I am taking my boys to dinner at their favorite restaurant (Bob's Big Boy - it was my favorite when I was little too) and a play at a local high school. I am so thankful that my boys still like to hang out with mom every once in a while, even now that two of them are teenagers. ;)

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