
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November: Day Two

Woo hoo! I'm on a roll! ;) Two days of blog posts in a row!

A small herd of reindeer landed in the shop today and if you haven't seen them yet, you're in luck, because I'm going to show you here. I chose to share the close up pictures so you have a better view of their cute faces. BUT if you look at the full images in the shop you'll see each one comes with three tiny jingle bells at no extra charge, it seemed only right, them being reindeer and all. :) AND as a bonus, each description has a clickable link so if you want to get to the shop in a hurry to buy up your favorite, you need go no further. ;)

Not quite Santa's reindeer - meet Rudolph's second cousin twice removed... this is Randolph! ;) Randolph and his brother and sisters applied for the job of flying Santa's sleigh last year but were, unfortunately, rejected. Now they mostly hang out at the mall and the roller rink (roller skating is HUGE in the reindeer community, they're super good at it... you know, having four feet and all) :)

This is Rosalie. Her favorite pastime is cross country skiing, luckily she lives at the North Pole and they have plenty of snow perfect for skiing. :)

This is Radcliffe, he and Randolph are brothers and best friends. Their favorite reindeer game to play together is Battleship. Robert almost always wins, but sometimes he loses on purpose so Randolph has a chance to win. ;)

Roxanne is a very girly girl reindeer. She likes sunsets and rainbows and puppy dogs.*MUAH!*
*ETA: Roxanne has sold, but as always I am happy to make custom orders so if you love her let me know and I can set up a listing for you. :)

Today I am thankful for all of the awesome Etsians (buyers and sellers) that I have met since I officially opened shop just over 5 months ago. The internet is a wonderful thing. ;)

That's it for today, just a short one (but it still counts)! The kids are off school today so they're generally keeping the background noise just a hair above a deafening level... I'm off to find some ear plugs so I can get back to sewing. ;)

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