
Monday, November 1, 2010

Blogging Every Day???

GAH! I don't know if I can!!

So apparently November is National Blog Posting Month. Along with that a lot of people I know are posting something that they are thankful for every day in November. SO I was thinking maybe I would combine the two... and of course mix in shop talk. MAYBE those things all together will get me back to posting regularly.

OK, so I'll start with a review of the past week. I was sick. ICK, ick, icky. Fell behind on sewing a bit and now I am playing catch up. If you're wondering where an order is please don't hesitate to contact me, I'm always available and I generally answer pretty quickly when I'm not on the couch dying. ;) You can find all my info on the contact tab at the top of my blog here. :) 

Halloween... me being sick put a bit of a damper on festivities. We didn't get to carve pumpkins this year :( and I had to alter my Halloween menu a bit. BUT I was well enough to take my boys trick or treating by Sunday night thankfully. And for anyone who might be interested... here are some pictures of the fun!

quickly improvised dinner.... mummy dogs

jumbo brain cupcakes for dessert

mmmmm brains, nom nom nom! zombie in training ;)

Agent Seeley Booth (ala 'Bones') minus his sport coat. I altered the paintball vest with a handmade felt FBI patch on the front. :)

goth boy... who is apparently too emo to smile. ;) lol and wants to dye his hair this color permanently

last minute ninja, who spent the night handing out candy (and probably gorging himself on it) and scaring all the bigger kids before going to hang out with friends for a couple hours. declared it the best day of his life!

Usually I dress up as well, just because I think it's fun and my kids get a kick out of it. :) but it was WAY too cold this year. Instead I'll share a picture of myself in costume from last year...

Etsy shop update: Today I added the first round of ready to ship 'Chilly' Lens Pets. Tomorrow and the next day I will be adding the rest of the cast of characters. ;) So keep your eyes peeled. I'm only making/posting one of each design at a time so if you see one you want, grab it when you see it. They'll ship withing 2 days after payment is received. I also had an exchange recently (size issue) so I have one large blue and yellow fish with a squeaker ready to ship in the shop as of today. I know a lot of people aren't patient enough to stick it out with my wait time so here are your opportunities to get your own Lens Pet lickity split! :)

And last, but of course not least... today I am thankful that I am able to support my children, not only doing something I love, but something that gives me the flexibility to be able to stay home with them while they are all home from school tomorrow. :)

Hope everyone had a great Halloween! Here's to a wonderful November and hey... only 53 days until Chritmas!!! :)


  1. Hey I made those hotdogs too! LOL And that is one giant cupcake! Hihi

  2. The Brains Cupcakes are awesome, and a little gross all at the same time!!! =)
