
Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Favorite Finds!!

Ok... since I shared two NON plush makers last week, this week I'm going to jump back in with some creators of squishy little toys (because I LOOOOVE them). I've picked two uber-talented plush makers from my favorites folder, believe me it was NOT an easy task to choose only two. BUT if you've got any stuffed animal lovers in your life you will definitely want to click on these links! ;)

I seriously don't think I've ever seen anything like them, and my 13 year old thinks they're wicked cool! I love every single one of them and keep wanting to place an order but I just can't decide! (That, and the fact that I already have more stuffed animals than any Toys R Us might need... ever! yeah, that's a deterrent.)


and spots!!

I'll probably cave eventually because they're too cool not to own. ;)  But until then, you should all go buy some... lots of them! Just leave me one. ;)

Up next on my list of plushie favorites...
  •  MrSogs (a brand new discovery for me, lots of super cute critters here)
Every once in a while I do a search for 'monster plush' and add a truck load of new stuffed animals to my favorites. Someday... when I win the lottery, I'll buy every single one of the plushie friends in my favorites and build them a house in my backyard so we can have parties and watch movies together. Does that sound strange at all?? Ya know... for a grown up??? ;)

Of MrSogs creations, here are a couple that will definitely need to join my house of plush!

 Seriously fabulous colors and personality! I'm in love! :)

And... that's it for today's rendition of 'Friday Favorite Finds'. See you next week with more super fun finds!

(Please Note: I have been in no way compensated for mentioning these shops. All statements are entirely my own opinion based on my personal tastes)

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