
Monday, September 27, 2010

Lens Pets and their bigger siblings...

I know it's pretty hard to tell just by looking at a screen how big or small something might be, even when all the info is in the description. There have been a few issues recently with customers purchasing the standard size Lens Pets and finding they don't fit once it arrives. The first thing I want to make sure everyone knows is that I am ALWAYS happy to exchange/return/re-make an order if it arrives and you find you don't like it, it doesn't fit, etc. I will do whatever I need to do to make my customers happy. :) I am very easily accessible and I reply to messages very quickly in most cases, unless I'm sleeping. Not only do I respond to queries on FB and Etsy but my email is posted here on my blog (under the CONTACT ME tab), on my FB page (under the info tab) and in my Etsy profile. It's not hard to find me. So please, please, please let me know if you're unhappy with anything. Because I will do my very best to make it right! :)

That said, I wanted to officially introduce everyone to the LARGE Lens Pets. There is a section for the big guys in my shop plus an upgrade option that can be used to order any of the pets NOT in the large section, but I'm afraid some people don't notice it there. So I thought this would be a good way to get the word out. :)

The difference between buying a standard Lens Pet and buying a large Lens Pet is this:

STANDARD ----------VS---------- LARGE
  • standard pets are made using a (new) store bought hair scrunchie
  • large pets are made using fabric and elastic... I sew them myself creating a much larger version of the 'hair scrunchie'.
  • standard pets fit well on lenses up to the basic 50mm (I use a Tamron 28-80mm lens for all of the pictures in my shop)
  • large pets will fit that same 50mm but have a lot more fabric and stretch so they will also fit the bigger lenses and lens hoods that professional photographers may use
  • bells are the only add on that will work with all of the standard pets
  • large pets have the option to add a squeaker, a music button and/or a bell... the squeaker and music button will be put inside the body of the lens pets and are hidden in the fabric.
Some photos for comparison... large on the left, standard on the right. The same camera and lens are used for all of the pictures (Nikon N65 with Tamron 28-80 lens).

ALL of my standard Lens Pets can be upgraded to large. The color availability is a little different (check the large upgrade listing for a list of colors), but for the most part they're the same thing, only bigger. :) SO... now that you know the difference between standard and large, if anyone has any questions or comments feel free to post them here. If you have an open order that hasn't shipped yet that you'd like to upgrade or if you've already received your order but would like to exchange it for the larger size, please contact me. I can be reached through convo on Etsy or by email at m.zelenka (at) hotmail (dot) com. :)

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