
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

family pictures!

Last month Becky Higgins did a huge photography giveaway on her blog where photographers from all over the world gave away photo shoots and picture packages. I entered for the Michigan photographer nearest to me, and although I didn't win she did offer everyone who wasn't chosen a discounted sitting. My boys and I hadn't had pictures taken in EONS so I made an appointment and we met with Jody Sebring last week. I've been dying to see if any of the pictures turned out and today I received the disk of pictures in the mail! I loved a lot of the shots she got of the boys, together and individually. :) Unfortunately my shirt looked like a circus tent and effectively made me look about 100 pounds heavier than I am. note to self: do not wear baggy shirts on picture day no matter how cute they look on the hanger or in the mirror! It was also INSANELY windy that day so my hair is a massive disaster in most of the shots I was in. I didn't think to bring a mirror or anything so once it was blown around there was pretty much no fixing it. AND even though the boys bickered pretty much constantly, we did end up getting ONE shot of all four of us that I really like...

Thankfully this one was early enough that my hair wasn't a completely horrifying mess yet. Carter has decided this is his "new smile" because he doesn't like his 'old smile' anymore. He made this SAME face in every single picture. I love having stubborn children ;) Cameron and Connor were practicing the forced fake smile most of the day... but they actually look almost real in this one.

Some of the individual shots of the boys...

This last one is my absolute #1 favorite shot of the day! Totally cracks me up. The photographer told them all to jump on 3... she counted, Connor and Carter both jumped... and Cameron just stood there, looking at her like she was absolutely out of her mind. Seriously, what was she thinking asking a teenager to do something so completely uncool like that?!?! rofl I just love the look on his face while he stands there NOT jumping. ;) lol

 Looking forward to getting some of these printed... I think I'm going to blow up that first one with all four of us. :)

In other news... still plugging away on orders. I'm looking forward to getting caught up so I can start working on some of the new designs and some promotion ideas I have in my head. :)


  1. OMG, thats you? And those are your kids?? But you look so young!!! And yes, great photos :) Indeed the jumping one is hilarious :)
