
Monday, June 14, 2010

the end of an era!

My youngest son graduated from 5th grade tonight! After tomorrow I will no longer have ANY children in elementary school! No more walking them in on the first day and taking pictures at their new desk. No more picking them up on the last day and taking pictures with all of their friends and favorite teachers. I'm SOO sad to see it go. We LOVE this school. As a mom, I am SO thankful for every single person who gave my son everything they possibly could, as if he was the only kid there. He's gone to this school since 1st grade. It has ALWAYS been a challenge, Carter has some issues and some quirks that aren't always fun to deal with. And even still, EVERY teacher, social worker, counselor, even the principal ... has given Carter 200% at all times. They honestly LOVE him, as he does them. He's grown by leaps and bounds in the past 5 years thanks entirely to THEM! In first grade he spent more days in the office curled up in a ball crying than he did in the classroom. In first grade I was OFTEN called to the school to pick him up because he was inconsolable. In first grade when he got upset he would completely shut down and there was no getting through to him. But NOW, he can usually talk through his frustrations... he can walk away from things instead of letting them upset him to the point of no return. He never gets sent to the office (though we did still end up with a pink slip or two. *OOPS*). While he has always been very smart, his own behavior and emotional issues were holding him back academically. This year he got the highest MEAP grade (state testing) IN THE DISTRICT! This year he got the highest grade in the whole 5th grade class on his 6th grade placement tests. Next year he'll be in advanced English AND Math! Today at the graduation he was one of only six kids to get the Presidential award for academic excellence! He got a certificate, a letter from President Obama and a little pin (which he proudly told the waitress all about at dinner after the ceremony). All of these successes are thanks to the teachers at this school! I have no idea what we'll do without them! Thank goodness for email! lol
The end of every year has always been tearful and sad... but underneath the blow was softened with the knowledge that we'd be back in a few months so it wasn't goodbye forever. But NOW it is! :( I know Carter is going to be heartbroken tomorrow when it really sets in that it's the very last time he'll walk through those doors. I will be shocked if I get out of there without sobbing like a fool. Just writing this is bringing that tell tale lump in my throat. 

How do you even thank teachers like the ones Carter has had??? There are no words! No end of the year gift that shows them how very much they mean to not only your child but to you! Everything I've come up with just seems inadequate.

Carter, receiving his graduation certificate from the principal, while his VERY proud teacher looks on. :)  
side note: though you can't see really it here, Carter chose his own outfit this evening. a tuxedo shirt (complete with pleated front and left untucked), black dress pants and a vest... that just so happens to be about 2 sizes too small, buttoned all the way up. VERY stylish ;) the brown belt and brown shoes totally completed the outfit too. lol


  1. So sweet. I think if the teachers ever read this post, that would be thanks enough! Hope you survived :)

  2. you must be VERY proud! He sounds like a smart young man!

  3. they grow up so quickly, don't they?
