
Friday, February 24, 2012

some new designs and a makeover...

I've been seeing more and more 'copycat' shops out there lately. Most recently I discovered a shop who was "inspired by" at least 17 of my designs... so inspired that she copied them right down to the colors she used to create the pieces, and is now selling them as her own work. Though I try not to let it bother me, it just ticks me off when I see things like this. I spend a lot of time and hard work  coming up with my designs, starting off by creating a sketch then cutting and sewing and often tearing it all apart only to start over again until I get it just right... To have someone just pull up your photo and create their own (sub-par) version of it, without any vision or creativity of their own... well, frankly it sucks. :p What ever happened to originality people?!?

Sadly this is not the first time someone has outright stolen my designs and passed them off as their own. SO I try not to think about it while staying one step ahead by adding new items to my shop as often as possible. ;) Last week while I was working on orders I had the urge to sketch out a few new ideas for Lens Pets™. I haven't introduced anyone new in a while so I got straight to work and came up with five ideas...

{sheep, fox, puffer fish, otter and skunk*}
*the skunk was on the backside of one of those papers so she'll just have to be a surprise ;)

I was so excited about the new designs I just couldn't wait to start bringing them to life so I pieced two of them together  that same afternoon...



I haven't had a chance to get the others done yet, but the puffer fish seemed to be a very popular choice when I posted on FB so she'll be joining the Lens Pet family very soon! :) 

In addition to the new designs every so often I find a pet that I think could use an overhaul. I tweaked my reindeer just a bit and I'm even happier with the new and improved version...

I have a few more pets on the list to be tweaked so I'll share pictures as I get those done. And of course once I finish the fox,the skunk and the puffer fish I'll share those as well. 

Until then, it's back to working on orders! Hope everyone had a great week! Enjoy your weekend! :)

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