
Thursday, February 24, 2011

new features

Etsy seller Red Marionette posted a FB status last night that hit a chord with me. My blog has been a bit neglected, pretty much since I started it, save for last November when I posted for 30 days straight. Aside from that one occasion I tend to leave blog posting for when I have a bunch of pictures to share or something. I post A LOT more on Facebook than I do here and I'd love to change that. I know how much I enjoy reading blogs, and I really do like writing as well, so I want to make an effort to add some more content here. :) 

To kick things off  I'll be adding a new weekly feature, and bringing back back another feature that I had here a while ago.

-Top Ten Tuesday: I'm excited about this one! So many possibilities! 10 recipes, 10 blogs, 10 quotes, movies, music, games... I look forward to getting suggestions from all of you as well!
-CIC Saturday: I ran this one for 6 weeks last year. I don't have an excuse for discontinuing it, just the shop and kids and busy life. But I'll be bringing it back and re-vamping it a little. It took quite a while to choose 9-18 sellers to feature each week! Then save images, get links, etc I think it was just too much. So starting this Saturday I will choose ONE Crafting in Color Etsy team member to feature each week. I think it will be a lot more manageable this way. :)

I have some other ideas as well but I don't want to try and tackle too much at once because of course I still have lots of work to do and a house to run. :)

And because I hate to leave a blog post without some pictures I'll share some of my recent work. I've had a number of special requests lately, some of which have found their way into the shop:

I was unsure about this one before I actually pieced it together, but I really like the way it turned out. I was excited to add it to my growing list of over 70 available Lens Pet designs!

he won't go up on his own but will be one of the 'dog' options along with the standard dog and the dalmatian that I offer now.

of all the new designs this one is my FAVORITE! although he hasn't been sewn together yet, he will eventually find his way into the shop. :)

I also added another design in the Limited Edition line... I LOVE this colorful version of the frog, right down to the little yellow bug! :)

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