
Monday, February 14, 2011

Monster Monday

Welcome to another episode of Monster Monday! This week's super talented Etsy plush maker is one of my very favorites. The JaeBird! It was her monsters that actually started my collection and they probably {definitely} out number all the other monsters on my desk combined at least two to one.

The little ones are called Uggles and MAN are they addicting! I won't divulge the actual number living here on my desk and in other parts of my home... needless to say it's probably more than any one person needs. Which is why I gave some to my kids for Christmas and even gave my mother and sister an uggle each from my very own collection. because I had so many I couldn't even fit them all on the desk and still have space to work. It might be embarrassing except for the fact that they make me smile every day, sitting there looking all cute and colorful while I work. So I make no apologies. I've even gotten my sister and nieces/nephew addicted and I happen to know that the Easter Bunny will be surprising all of them with an uggle in their baskets.  ;) Ok, so you probably get the point. :) Here are a few pictures of the uggles that live with me...

this is Gretchen, she was my very first and still my very favorite uggle. I love her crazy colorful fur!

the ones with the zombie eyes are among my faves :)

these uggles guard the buttons in my giant button jar ;)

but uggles aren't the only monsters you can find at The JaeBird. She also makes all sorts of bigger monsters, like Boggit. I LOVE his antlers!

as you can see, he's quite a bit bigger than the uggles!

Lucky for us, The JaeBird herself agreed to answer a few questions so we can get to know the woman behind the monsters! Read on...

-Tell us a bit about yourself.
About 15 years ago I stopped going by my birth name and insisted everyone call me “Jae” instead. Only official documents hold the secret to my real name. Currently, I am attending college for Accounting and am running my little shop on Etsy called “The Jae Bird.” Random facts about me: I am 4’9 (and by height standards alone I can be considered a dwarf, however I do not suffer from dwarfism), I am obsessed with hot pink and lime green together, I am a closet nerd (I heart star trek), and I am intrigued by tattoos and plan on getting full sleeves done.

-What is your shop name and is there a story behind it?
The Jae Bird has no real story. “Jae Bird” is just something that random people always call me. When I signed up for Etsy, I really had no idea what I’d be selling or if I would be selling anything, so I tried to be somewhat generic in my username. However, there is a story behind one of my main products, “Little Uggles”. I am always teasing my little dog Pixie and always saying she’s hideous (when in fact she is adorable). One day I started calling her a Little Uggle as a variation of “ugly”. I liked the sound, so I started naming my small cute creatures that.

-How did you get started making monsters?
It all started in February of 2010---there was a terrible snow storm that left me bored and in need of a yeti friend. I doodled a little drawing of a yeti and went to my craft space to try to replicate my drawing in plush form. A couple of hours later my yeti was born and I decided to take silly pictures of him in the snow. From that point on I was hooked on making monsters.

-What inspires and motivates you to create?

My mind is always racing with new ideas---not just plush. I also write music, poetry, design clothes, and am always looking for new things to try. As far as my plush---I am inspired a lot by colors, seasons, animals, and sci-fi. I very seldom draw my monsters anymore, but just make the pattern and see where it takes me. Most of the creation process is random and whatever I feel like at a particular moment. Sometimes people will give me suggestions that help me think out of my comfort zone.

-If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

Simple----time travel. I probably wouldn’t use it for any sort of awesome crime fighting but rather just to go on mini vacations. Ever since I was a child I have loved the idea of time travel (thanks to Back to the Future) and always wonder what things will be like in years to come…or were like in the past.

-Top 5 favorite foods, tv shows, and bands?

Foods----sushi, raspberry anything, cheese (in almost any variety), dark chocolate, and ravioli (or other cheese filled pastas)
Tv shows----Heroes, The Office, Psych, WWE Raw, and The Soup
Bands----As Cities Burn, Matisyahu, Johnny Cash (not really a band but he rocks), Dead Poetic, and Underoath

-3 etsy shops you just LOVE?
Miss Demented (AWESOME wigs), The Poppy Tree (cute paintings and prints), and Glowbies (amazing little polymer clay creatures by a very talented 10 year old). Please note I am in love with a million shops but these 3 I probably stalk the most.

-One year from now, I hope...
To be better organized, have participated in at least 1 craft show, have way more unique items, and have made enough money from my Etsy shop to purchase a home. That last one is a pretty big goal, but anything’s possible!

-Where can we find you on the internet? (plush) and (destash supplies)
Facebook--- (I don’t check this as often, though, so facebook or etsy are the best ways to get a hold of me.)

As an added bonus we've even been lucky enough to get a super fun behind the scenes sneak peek of The JaeBird and her workshop!

check out all that fabric! *drool*

the beginnings of what looks to be a very cool uggle! I see zombie eyes! and guess what, he's in the shop now!! check him out! LOVE!

it looks like your monsters are a little out of control Jae, be careful! that one on your head has some big chompers! ;)

Thanks a bunch to Jae for giving us a peek behind the scenes at The JaeBird. Now everyone go and order yourself some monsters!  :)

see you next week...

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