
Monday, February 7, 2011

The first official Monster Monday!

I've decided to start a new feature here on my blog. I've been wanting to share some of the super awesome plush creatures that I've found through some uber talented Etsy sellers, but I didn't want to turn Friday Favorite Finds* into an all plush feature. So this is my solution! Every Monday I'll share one of the plush monsters from my collection as well as an interview with the creator. :)

First up is actually the newest addition to my family of monsters. His name is Quarx and he's a Cake Monster. ;)

Quarx with one of his new friends here at MandeeFranee manor. ;)

I'm not even sure how I managed to find him on Etsy amongst the many, many other plush monsters. But I'm SO glad I did. He's so unique and SO well made. I really love him! The seller - Bearmojo - has a number of fun monster goodies for sale... purses, wallets, pillows and CAKE! They've got a great variety of colors available and if you know someone who likes monsters... or cake... you'd better hurry on over to the shop before they're gone! :)


I was able to hook up with the genius minds behind Bearmojo and they were kind enough to answer a few questions for me. :) Read on to learn a little more about this talented duo...

-Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Andrea I am a costume designer and all around creative crafty person. I formed Bearmojo with my wonderful, amazing boyfriend Todd. We are both employed full time and spend our free time together creating the world of Bearmojo.

-What is your shop name and is there a story behind it?

The story behind Bearmojo starts even before Todd and I met. I was a couple of years into college when the whole “internet Electronic mail” phase started up. Since I was and am completely inept with computers my then roomate was helping me to get an email address and up to date in the world. Well, since my last name is Bear we decided to try all the usual names: Abear, AndreaB, etc. All of the usual combination of names were already taken. In a nod to the great Austin Powers we decided to add Mojo onto Bear and sure enough it was available and I have been stuck with that email ever since. So, when Todd and I were deciding what to name the business we both decided that Bearmojo was the perfect name because its unusual and stands out from a crowd, while still being easily remembered.

-How did you get started making monsters?

I seem to have an addiction to buying fun, cute, crazy, bright colored fabrics and Todd joked that I needed to start making stuff to sell to support my “problem.” Since there seems to be no Fabrics Anonymous meetings for me to attend I jumped at the idea. Soon Todd was trapped in my craft web and now he spends his free time cutting out pieces and helping with all aspects of the business including fabric shopping and design. We’ve gotten to the point where we can’t remember who thought up what anymore.

-What inspires and motivates you to create?

Everything! Life, television, nature, we never know when the sparks of creativity will start a fire. It could be anything as innocent as driving down the road talking about the day and all of a sudden one of us is, “what about...” and the rest is history. Right now we have so many ideas we just need to clone ourselves to get it all done!

-If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
This is a very dangerous question, and our lawyer has advised us not to answer. Just kidding! I know I should want something that would make daily life easier but I really really want to be able to breathe underwater and swim really fast. Todd wants to be able to see the future at least a couple of days to see the winning lotto numbers.

-Top 5 favorite foods, tv shows, and bands?

Ice Cream
Beer, beer is food, right?
Fruits (this is Todd’s mine are the all the others)

Tv shows:
How I Met Your Mother
Face Off
Pawn Stars


David Bowie
Violent Femmes
The Ting Tings
Mustard Plug
Mrs. Miller

-3 etsy shops you just LOVE?
This is tough, but I know Twinkie Chan is definitely in the top three! And I would have to say The JaeBird and Triquimoches, if you haven’t seen them you should definitely check them out.

-One year from now, I hope...

1. Living in a place with no snow
2. Bearmojo large enough to suppport at least one of us
3. Have acquired said super powers from previous question
4. Writing answers to many more questions from many more interviews
5. No seriously what is up with all the snow?

-Where can we find you on the internet?
We just started a Facebook page we also have a new website which is in its baby stages, and of course at

Not only did they answer our questions, but they even agreed to give us a little peek behind the scenes at Bearmojo! Check it out...

be careful Andrea, those teeth look sharp!

looks like this monster wants a bite of cake

a whole herd of cake monsters! Todd looks a little nervous!

maybe if he shares a bite they won't get rowdy?

monster wallets!

what a workshop!

Thank you so much Andrea and Todd for answering my questions and letting us take a peek inside the inner workings of Bearmojo. I wish you all the luck in growing your business and I can't wait to see the new monsters you'll create in the future!

Don't forget to check back next Monday to see more super fun monsters!!

*speaking of Friday Favorite Finds... look for it to be making a come back this week! :)

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