
Saturday, February 26, 2011

CIC Saturday!

The return and revamp of CIC Saturday! :) Each week I will feature and focus on one member of the Crafting in Color Etsy team. I am a member of this team as well and I have some crazy talented teammates! :) So for this first week back I will be sharing the wonderful work of MoKoPo Creations. She paints! And I am absolutely in love with her work!

Wonderful little quote turned into a beautiful little canvas! This is just the perfect quote for any small business owner or anyone with BIG dreams. :)

she also paints on journals and I LOVE them! It's like your own personal little work of art, that you can see and touch and USE every single day! And inexpensive enough that you can buy more than one. ;) I don't know about you, but I have an addiction to writing/keeping lists, for pretty much EVERYTHING... I am always picking up cheap little notebooks from the Target dollar spot and whatnot, but these are so much better!

and she'll even customize this one for you... another city for the heart, another state all together. so fun!

how adorable is this elephant print?! I can totally picture it hanging in a child's room. wonderful detail!!

Megan was kind enough to answer a few questions for me (I love learning more about the other sellers that call Etsy home). Check it out...

-Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Megan. I grew up in Cincinnati, where I currently live and work out of a home studio. I have a degree in Psychology and a License in Massage Therapy, but painting has always been my passion. I'm exactly 50% introvert and 50% extrovert. I love people, I'm good in groups, but I'm a total homebody and I work better solo. My family is amazing, and I'm grateful to have such a great support system. I'm quite certain I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

-What is your shop name and is there a story behind it?
My shop name is MoKoPo. It was created way back when I was 12 years old and I started painting. I wanted to sign my artwork with something fancy like a "grownup artist" so I used little circles instead of periods between my initials (M.K.P.) Instead of looking fancy, it just looked like the word "MoKoPo". I struggled with whether I would keep it as my official business name since it can be tricky to say, but at the end of the day I felt it would be strange to sign my paintings any other way. My artistic self has always been MoKoPo.

-How did you get started painting and what is your favorite subject to paint?
When I was little I would draw all the time, carrying around a sketchbook with me everywhere. At about 12 years old, I became obsessed with the PBS series, "The Joy of Painting" with Bob Ross. My very first painting was a landscape in oil for a Mother' Day Gift. After that, I explored all different subjects, focusing on portraits in high school. Currently, I love bright colors, lots of texture and layers of paint, and some mixed media elements. I'm also a big fan of animals-- they have such fun personalities!

-What is your favorite color?
You may consider this cheating but I've always said that I think colors look best when they are surrounded by other colors. I'm drawn to the spectrum more than the individual colors, like in a rainbow sno-cone, a box of markers, or the paint chip aisle of Home Depot.

-What inspires and motivates you to create?
I'm inspired by tons of things, all the time! Color, nature, humor, love, pop culture... Often times I'll have an idea in mind for a painting and as I'm creating it, I'll discover something else that I like better. I think it's important to stay flexible and trust that my mind knows what it wants to do. This constant stream of inspiration is also what motivates me. I'm constantly making lists and sketches because if I don't, I'll forget. Creating is just another way for me to put my thoughts down in some tangible form, so I can always remember them.

-If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Teleportation. I would love to travel more and that would really help cut time and cost.

-Top 5 favorite foods, tv shows, and bands?
1. Chicken Pad Thai
2. Chicken Parmesean
3. Guacamole
4. Golden Oreos
5. My Mom's Mac-n-Cheese

TV Shows:

1. Friends
2. Sex and the City
3. Dexter
4. Modern Family
5. Jeopardy!

1. Adele
2. Michael Jackson
3. Black Eyed Peas
4. Duffy
5. Over the Rhine

-3 etsy shops you just LOVE?
Ahh! SO many! Let's see...
1. Colorful, fun, inspirational doodles!
2. Beautiful jewelry, I want all of them!
3. I love her pandas, and her energy!

-One year from now, I hope...

To have more items available in my shop including more functional items like greeting cards, mugs, etc. I also hope to have done lots of local art shows and have made more of a name for myself in the local community. I'd like to have lots more facebook fans, blog followers, and newsletter subscribers. And finally, I hope to be enjoying all that life has to offer with my love, Kyle.

I hope you'll stop by the MoKoPo shop! She's got some beautiful items to offer. :) You can find her on the net...

Don't forget to stop by next week to meet another one of my talented Crafting in Color teammates!

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