
Monday, January 3, 2011

the perfect beginning to a new year

I am a BIG fan of sunsets! (sunrises as well, of course, I just have more opportunity to catch the sun going down than coming up) I am always amazed at the number of colors the sky can turn during one amazing sunset! On January 1st I left the house just as the sun was beginning to set on my way to the airport to pick up my kids (who spent their Christmas break with their dad in NC). I noticed the first bit of pink in the sky and was glad I had my camera with me to snap a couple pictures. The first one I took at 6:09 pm looked like this: 

But just a few minutes later at a stop light and I'm seeing this!

6:15 pm

6:16 pm

6:17 pm

6:19 pm

6:20 pm

6:21 pm

Simply stunning!!! I think this definitely means 2011 is going to be a GREAT year! :) In fact... I've got a little bit of shop gossip for you. I'll be working over the next few weeks to really get orders shipped and get my wait time down to something much more manageable. I *might* have to close the shop for a few days in the next couple months to help with this. BUT the good news is that not only with there be NEW Lens Pet designs and NEW ready to ship sock monsters, I also have a completely new product line that I will be debuting this year! :) I haven't been able to come up with a suitable name yet though so I might just need to create a contest to get some help in that department! Lots of fun stuff on the horizon! So thankful for everyone who has ordered and supported me over the last seven months! (can you BELIEVE it's only been seven months?!?!) Thank you thank you thank you!

Back to work I go! Hope everyone has a great first week back to school and work! :)

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