
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

how can it be December?!?!

I seriously CANNOT believe it's already December!! 24 days until Christmas!! Where did the year go?!?

Well, I officially made it through the entire month of November with a blog post (and a gratitude) every single day, save for one. I'm shocked to tell the truth. When I started this blog I had no idea what I would post about other than shop news! Now I have a list of ideas and even a plan for a YEARLY feature. CRAZY! 

Now that my month of daily posts is over my plan was to take a couple days off from  the blog, but apparently I am insane. Because here I am again today to tell you I have decided to try and tackle a December Daily album this year. eek! I've watched with awe and envy every year when Ali Edwards creates an amazing album start to finish in a single month. And every year I wanted to put together one of my own. It's been more than a year since I've even had the urge to look at my supplies, let alone touched a piece of scrapbook paper. And this year, just ONE DAY before the end of November, I decided to go for it. Lord knows I am way too busy for real scrapbooking right now (especially considering I am just about the slowest scrapper on the planet), but I thought this just might feed the urge without taking too much time away from all the orders I am working on. So yesterday I bought Ali's 6x8 templates from Designer Digitals, ventured into my scrap space for about 20 minutes and came out with a small stack of papers and embellishments, then ordered a couple small things to add to the pile. While I was digging through the paper I found a really thick clear transparency so I chopped it down and ta da... front and back album covers. I took about 10 minutes to cut down a bunch of papers for the inside pages and then set everything aside in a pile for later. Since the pages will be done mostly digitally it won't take me very long and slapping on a couple brads and tags and whatnot should fill the desire I have to play with paper and embellishments again. At some point I'll take a few minutes to put together some sort of cover page but for now I'm set. I even managed to get a photo for today already!! When we woke up this morning everyone was excited (ok, maybe I was the only one who was actually excited) to see that it was SNOWING for the very first time this season. YAY! It's officially Winter! I went out and snapped a couple pictures and I'm not sure which one I'll be using yet, but just as a test run I put this together...

I may or may not do the number in color... and I don't know if I'll hand write some journaling or if I'll just add it in PSE so the whole thing can be printed out all together. But I think this is going to be a really fun project. And believe me, with the amount of work/sewing I've been doing for the last six months... a project that I can do just for fun is definitely a bright spot to look forward to! :)

I'll probably save up my daily pages and post them in a couple small groups over the course of the month. I don't have a printer at home so I'll need to upload and order the pages before I can add whatever embellishments I decide on. But I'll definitely share at some point! 

So... anyone else out there doing their own December Daily album??? Maybe we can encourage each other to keep it up and not fall behind. :)

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