
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


One of the weekly features I'd like to institute here on my blog are interviews, and I'd really love to be able to feature some of the fantastic photographers who have purchased and used my Lens Pets. SOO I thought I'd send a request out this way, asking that any photogs who wouldn't mind being interviewed get in touch with me. I will obviously post the interviews here on my blog, with links on my Facebook page and Twitter as well. I think it could definitely be a positive thing for everyone involved. :)

If you'd like to play along just send me a message at {m.zelenka (at)}with 'interview' in the subject line. I'm still working on compiling my list of questions but once I have it together I'll reply to your email with the list. Then I'll send you a link once your interview has been posted. 

In other news, I'm still plugging away on orders. Yesterday I mailed off this guy (first time creating him in the large size) and I love how he turned out: 

that mane is crazy time consuming, but so much fun! :) 

And now I am off to run errands before I crash. I do most of my sewing at night after my kids have gone to bed and I usually hit the sack somewhere between 4-7 am but I worked right through that this morning. Now it's past 8am and I need to go to the grocery store and then pick up a prescription, I know if I lay down I won't be up before the boys get home so I'm going to take a quick shower and get the errands done BEFORE I sleep.

Today's gratitude: Today I am thankful for a quiet house, a warm shower that I will soon be enjoying, and the fact that I have a toasty, snuggly puppy dog to look forward to napping with after my errands are finished. ;)

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