
Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today I chaperoned my middle son's 8th grade class on a field trip to the local high school where we got to watch some unbelievably talented young men and women perform their last dress rehearsal of  their production of 'Hairspray'. It was INCREDIBLE!! The singing, the dancing! I loved every minute of it! I took my camera with me but I was so engrossed the entire time I never even took a single picture! I'm going to try and get tickets to take all my kids to see the full show because it was just THAT awesome!! 

Since the first official show is going on as I type this I couldn't find any pictures on the internet to share. But I did find a You Tube video where the cast performed one of the songs from the show in a flash mob at the local mall last month! I cannot begin to tell you the love I have for flash mobs! I SOOO wish I was as outgoing and BRAVE as these kids when I was their age! :)

If you happen to be local there are still some tickets available, check the FB page the cast has set up for info! I also found an article on one of the local tv stations websites. I highly recommend seeing the show if you get the chance!!!

Today's gratitude: I am SO thankful for the school system my kids are in. While I might not be entirely happy living so far from my family and feeling so alone much of the time, I am SO happy with the schools my kids are going to that I can't even bear the thought of pulling them out to move. The elementary school (which my youngest son just graduated from last year) was AMAZING!! The staff was incredible. I love every single teacher all of my boys had while there. I miss them terribly! The middle school and high school are equally awesome. The programs my kids are able to be a part of,... and field trips like the one we went on today (which cost us nothing and every single kid there LOVED) are just a few reasons why I love these schools! :)  

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