
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gobble Gobble!

I thought it might be fun to share some super cute Thanksgiving finds today. I had a really hard time narrowing it down, there are a gazillion fun things just perfect for this holiday on Etsy!

First up... the EAT-ables! ;)

Next up, the wear-ables!

the squishy-ables! ...WHAT?! do you have another name for them??? :p

and last but not least... the decorate-ables! ;) (that's totally a word too, in case you were unsure)

I hope you enjoyed today's Thanksgiving finds. :) And of course, in closing, today's gratitude: I am thankful for cheesy (and totally fabulous) teenage vampire films on DVD, perfect for watching on a gray and gloomy day like today. ;)

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