
Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Favorite Finds!!

Another week of favorite finds!! :)

  • pixlpshr (seriously amazing video game themed felt collages done on canvas)
This one is a really unique find that I think would be super cool hanging up in my boys' room. They are definitely video game obsessed and I have to admit, I'm a big fan of the classic games from Atari and NES. Here's a couple of my favorite pieces... 

I like this angle because you can see all the individual little felt squares AND it's a great shot of the whole picture. If you go to her shop you can see close ups and pictures of each canvas from straight on.

I had a really hard time narrowing it down to just two! I have a bunch of them in my favorites. I especially LOVE the Frogger and Q-Bert ones! :) I may have to snag one for myself as a Christmas gift. :) I'm just totally impressed by the technique. The colors used to make the shading and the pixel looking squares... every piece is just full of awesome! Pixlpshr doesn't seem to have a FB page that I can find, but you definitely need to go check out her shop!! If you've got boys or if you like video games yourself you will not be disappointed. :)

  • Shop Dirtsa (super cool pillows and other home decor... but the pillows seriously rock!)
All sorts of awesome happening in this favorites are the color test pillows, the scrabble tile pillows and the penmanship pillows.

I was just watching the episode of The Office where Jim and Pam are having their baby ;)

SCRABBLE on the couch... or the bed... or anywhere really! MAN I want an entire alphabet of these! ;)

How great are these?!? So smart and creative! Can you imagine playing a jumbo game of scrabble with those pillows?? lol Okay, maybe that's not realistic. But I can think of a bunch of words that would be cool spelled out with these on the couch or the bed or a chair. Or initials. Or a short (very short) quote/saying on the penmanship pillows! Yeah, so you must go see her shop! And if you order any of her super fab scrabble pillows I totally want to know what word you get, so share with me in the comments here!

And... that's it for today's rendition of 'Friday Favorite Finds'. See you next week with more super fun finds!

(Please Note: I have been in no way compensated for mentioning these shops. All statements are entirely my own opinion based on my personal tastes)

Today's Gratitude: I am incredibly thankful for days like today when my boys get along and play together nicely. The weather this afternoon was fabulous and I know we won't have many more days like that as we get into Winter, so after school I took the boys to the park. They climbed around on the play structure together, laughing and goofing around. They had a great time. It was so nice to see.

1 comment:

  1. I love both of these shop recommendations! I'm a huge NES fan, and I also love whimsical word pillows! You have great taste! :)
