
Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Favorite Finds!!

“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.” ~John Ruskin

I recently ran across this great quote and I just loved it. :) I am madly in love with color, can't get enough of it. Which brings me to today's Favorite Finds! Fellow "color lovers" that just so happen to be selling on Etsy. Check 'em out!

  • Silly Buddy (offering super awesome stuff for stylish doggies)
I have two dogs (Elmer and Oliver) and I am obsessed with super cute collars! They both get at least one new collar/leash set each year (as a Christmas gift) and sometimes more... if I find something cute that I HAVE to have in between (like the green and brown polka dots that they're sporting right now). ;) Silly Buddy is SO on my list! I LOVE these cute collars!

I found them on Facebook too! If you have a dog, or know someone who has a dog, these would make great Christmas gifts! Go become a fan and heart the shop! LOVE! :)

One more colorful find for this week... 

  • Lubu (adorable little clay figurines that make me squeal)
First of all, the shop tagline cracks me up... a superfacepunch of love! lol Twilight fans will get me when I say I always think of the scene where Mike asks Bella to go see a movie and after inviting everyone else Bella suggests they see 'Face Punch'. rofl Ok, back to the cuteness! Here are some of my favorites from the shop

I couldn't find Lubu on Facebook but you should definitely go check out the shop asap! I can definitely see adding one or two of these little guys to my collection of Etsy goodies that hangs out on my desk. :)  ADORABLE!

...superfacepunch ;) lol

Today I am thankful for laughter. :) I laughed so hard at the dinner table last night I almost choked to death on my dinner. By the time I finally caught my breath I had tears running down my face. My kids crack me up all the time (especially my 13 year old, that kid is a comedian). Even though there are a number of NOT funny things going on in my life right now, I'm so thankful that I am still able to laugh every day. :)


  1. LOL...Superfacepunch makes me giggle!

  2. Thank you very much for posting us here Miranda. Elmer and Oliver are so very handsome!

    This is very sweet of you - thank you again :)

