
Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Favorite Finds!!

Week Two of my new feature, Friday Favorite Finds!! I do have plans for other weekly features, just haven't had the time to put them into action yet. So be on the lookout, they're coming soon!

Ok... on with the fabulousness of Friday Finds! ;)

This week I went in search of handmade artists on Facebook and made friends with a bunch of awesome talented people. My first favorite find today is an artist who I not only found on Facebook, but is also on the Crafting in Color Etsy team with me!

She makes the most AMAZING jewelry using paper of all things!! This is definitely a unique find and something you have to see for yourself! I haven't made my first purchase (YET! that is) but I have a number of items in my favorites that WILL be joining my family sooner, rather than later. ;) Here are a couple of lovely things from Paper Demon Jewelry...

she has a number of different color combos available in this style but I LOVE the red/orange/yellow together!

ok, yes I like orange! ;) again, she has a few different colors of this particular style of necklace, but I love the orange paired with the copper wire. and remember... that orange background is PAPER! So cool!!

Definitely check out her Etsy shop and follow her on Facebook to keep up with all the new goodies she has to offer!

It's no secret that I'm a fan of BRIGHT, splashy, fun COLOR. This shop most definitely fits the bill! Amazing artwork in the most brilliant colors and the amount of detail in each piece just astounds me!! Not to mention you can order prints or cards without breaking the bank. I think Santa may be ordering a few prints for me this year. ;) They would be just lovely brightening up my desk area! It's possible I may actually have the entire shop contents in my favorites, so it was very hard for me to narrow it down here. But because this one is just full of color from corner to corner and edge to edge, it's got to be my #1 favorite!!

click on that bad boy and check out the DETAIL! It's positively stunning!!

I wasn't able to find a Facebook page for B Connor Design, but I'm thinking she needs to get one going so all her fans can gather in one place!! :) I'm first in line!

And... that's it for today's rendition of 'Friday Favorite Finds'. See you next week with more super fun finds!

(Please Note: I have been in no way compensated for mentioning these shops. All statements are entirely my own opinion based on my personal tastes)

P.S. I completely forgot to mention last week that you can find The Jae Bird on Facebook. Go 'LIKE' her! She's awesome!


  1. I love those moss pillows for the background. They make her gorgeous creations really pop!
