
Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Favorite Finds!!

I decided I wanted to start posting some regular weekly features here and since this was the first feature that came to my mind, I decided it should be the first. to be posted Unfortunately I completely forgot it was Friday until just now, so I'm sneaking it in with just a couple hours left in the day.

Every Friday I will chose a handful of sellers and/or items from my Favorites folder on Etsy! I have QUITE a large folder of favorites so we should be able to keep this up indefinitely! ;) Hopefully it will inspire all of you to support the artisans of Etsy and buy handmade!

This week I'm going to share two sellers whose goodies have recently found their way into my home. They sell super cool AWESOME things! ;) Ready, set, go...

  • TheJaeBird: Amazing, top notch quality. (and the seller is totally sweet) :)
she makes THE CUTEST little one of a kind plush monsters and I am totally and completely head over heels with her line of Little Uggles.  I try not to buy things I don't really really NEED, I try really hard (ok maybe not that hard)... but I tripped into her shop on a stroll around Etsy one afternoon and haven't been able to leave! And the rainbow colored fur of Gretchen had me hooked from the minute I saw her. I mean seriously... how could you resist this face?!?!?

Yeah, I know, right?! Now she lives on top of my computer monitor where I can look at that wild rainbow-y hair every day! SO... if you need a monster, or someone you know needs a monster, or maybe you know someone who doesn't really NEED a monster but might maybe just LIKE a monster... go see The Jae Bird!

  • ButtFreckle: seriously... if that name doesn't get you, the product will!
I have always had a thing for stuffed animals. The more unique the better. And BRIGHT colors are totally my thing so you'll probably see that theme quite often too! I'm not even sure how I found this shop but OMG if it didn't have me rolling. BUTTFRECKLE?! Really?!? The things she sells are actually just called Freckles, but the name ButtFreckle comes from the fact that each one has a special glass bead sewn on the rear. ;) I don't have mine yet, but he should be on the way and soon he'll join Gretchen on top of my computer monitor.

The BEST thing about these cute little balls of fluff... each one has a different name. Seriously. And some of those names are down right hysterical!! Like my friend here... his name... CANDY FACE SUGAR CAPUCHIN. I'd say it's pretty fitting, wouldn't you?! ;) So if you work in a boring blah cubicle, or a big fancy office... and you need a little fun to brighten up your desk that won't take up too much space (and can be hidden in a drawer during important meetings with your boss), I recommend you check out Buttfreckle!

So that's it for my first Friday Favorite Finds! Don't forget to check back next week for more super cool Etsy goodness! :)

(Please Note: I have been in no way compensated for mentioning these shops. All statements are entirely my own opinion based on my personal tastes and recent purchases)

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