
Monday, August 9, 2010

and the winner is...

After HUNDREDS of entries, the random number generator has chosen a winner! :) But before we get to that, I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who took the time to take a peek around my shop, comment on my blog, visit and 'like' my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter! :) I appreciate every single one of you!! To show how thankful I am for all of my new friends, I'd like to offer to everyone who entered the contest a special discount good towards your next purchase of any Lens Pet or sock monster. You'll receive 10% off your order by entering the code in the notes section during checkout on Etsy. The way the cart there is set up, you'll have to pay the full amount, but as soon as I receive your order I will refund 10% of your purchase price. If you'd like to use the discount towards a custom order of one or more sock monsters, just message me on Etsy to let me know what you want, we'll work out your details and I'll give you the adjusted price. :)

Here's the code: MFD-10off

And now the moment you've all been waiting for. ;) The winner is... Amy from Colorado. Amy commented and said "I heard about the contest through the maternal lens and think your work is so creative. I love the crazy face but once I saw the red monster I knew he was the one for me!"

CONGRATULATIONS Amy! Unfortunately you didn't leave any contact information in your reply... so if you're Amy, please email me (m.zelenka (at) with your prize choice(s) and mailing address! Remember, you can choose any TWO standard Lens Pets, or one large sock monster.

Our next giveaway will be held when we reach 1000 fans on FB! With less than 300 to go before we get there, it shouldn't be too long before you could have another chance to win!!  :)

thanks everyone!!

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