
Friday, August 20, 2010

and the REAL winner is...

After 10 days with repeated posts on Twitter and Facebook my winner did not appear. :( Sadly she forgot to leave an Etsy or FB name or some way for me to contact her in her reply and I was unable to track her down!

But the random number generator has chosen a new winner and she DID leave an email address! PERFECT!! So GRETCHEN... come on down!! You're the next contestant on the Price is... oh, wait, wrong line. ;) Gretchen won the giveaway and now she gets her choice of either two standard Lens Pets™ or one large sock monster! Congratulations Gretchen!!

AND because things were delayed in finding the winner, I am also extending the discount I offered for everyone else. :) A special discount good towards your next purchase of any Lens Pet™ or sock monster. You'll receive 10% off your order by entering the code in the notes section during checkout on Etsy. The way the cart there is set up, you'll have to pay the full amount, but as soon as I receive your order I will refund 10% of your purchase price. If you'd like to use the discount towards a custom order of one or more sock monsters, just message me on Etsy to let me know what you want, we'll work out your details and I'll give you the adjusted price. :)

Here's the code: MFD-10off
But use it soon, the code will expire on September 10 (3 weeks from today)! 
Thank you again to everyone who entered my giveaway!! :) We're already over the 700 mark for FB fans and the next giveaway will be when we hit 1000 fans, so keep sharing MandeeFranee Designs with friends and family and photographers and teachers and anyone else that you think might like my Lens Pets™ and sock monsters. ;) The sooner we hit 1000 fans, the sooner you'll have another chance to win!!!

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