
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

one, two, three, four...

I declare a thumb war??? Ok, maybe not. But I have added FOUR new designs to my shop, just in the last few days. :)

a mouse! squeak squeak! an albino mouse it seems... with little pink eyes ;) though of course he is available in a variety of colors.

an airplane. I really like this one. I can just picture someone using this with a little boy, making airplane noises all the while.

a lion! ROOOOAR! had a request for a lion so I made this guy up. LOTS of sewing to add that mane.

Dooce, aka Heather Armstrong, hilarious woman. Love her blog. She mentions every so often that she would like to have a pet hippo living in her backyard. and that was the inspiration for this hippo Lens Pet™. ;) I think purple is a good color for a hippo :)

I have a million more ideas sketched and written in a notebook I keep on my table. Since I'm still super busy filling orders I just try to sneak at least one new design in each day.

In addition to the Lens Pets™ I finished one of my sock monster orders, the request was for two aliens.

I have 3 more sock monsters to make this week mingled in amongst the many, many Lens Pets™. I also have plans to go to a new park (new as in, I've never been there) in a couple days with a friend. I'm super excited to get out of the house again and to be taking my camera with me! I haven't taken pictures of ANYTHING in the last month other than sock monsters and Lens Pets™. Photography (especially nature photography) is something I love. So I'm looking forward to that and of course I'll have to share if I get anything decent. :)

back to work...

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