
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day with the family...

Both of my parents, my sister and her 5 kids all came to visit for the long weekend. They all live in Ohio and normally we try to see each other at least once a month, but money has been tight since I lost my job so we haven't seen them since Easter. It was a fun weekend for everyone. I didn't get any sewing done but as always, the kids had a great time playing together... ghost in the graveyard after dark, frisbee, card games, video games, the park, camping out in tents in the front yard, a parade and all sorts of other made up games. Hopefully it won't be such a long time before we see everyone again. I thought I'd share some of my favorite pictures from the weekend here.

my oldest son Cameron (who is a goofball teenager, hence the face) and his friend Gabe at the playground

my niece, Kaileigh, with the frisbee on her head

my youngest niece Kamryn playing hopscotch on the playground

my youngest son Carter hanging from the monkey bars

my nephew, Kurtis, playing in the front yard

my middle son Connor finds his own way across the monkey bars

my oldest niece, Kiera, learning how to skateboard

another niece, Kierstenn, scaling the climbing wall with ease. ;)

in addition to a fun weekend I was surprised with not one, but TWO mentions on websites in the last few days. SO flattered and excited. :) First, this past Saturday, One Pretty Thing chose me as one of their Flickr Friends Roundup picks for my sock monsters. My friend Martha posted on Facebook to let me know. :) THEN, just a few hours ago, a friend of a friend posted on my FB that she had shared my Lens Pets™ with photographer Erin Cobb and Erin liked them so much she posted a link to my Etsy shop on her 'Ten on Tuesday' list today. I had 8 sales in 30 minutes! I'll be sewing like a mad woman tonight making all those Lens Pets™... and I couldn't be more excited! :)

Between the Michaels contest and my recent Etsy success I am totally floating on cloud nine these days!


  1. Congrats on the mega sales!! So happy for you :) Looks like you had a great day out, and so you see that success can come from all angles :)

  2. glad you had a great weekend.... and it's great that everyone is learning about your creations.

  3. Oh my gosh!!! Many many congrats on everything!!! It is well deserved. Your sock monsters are too adorable!!!!!

    xoxo, Cat @ BudgetBlonde
