
Saturday, June 12, 2010

helpful hint for other night owls out there...

the post office lobby is totally creepy at 1:30 am!! lol

Right now I'm dropping orders at the post office 6 days a week. I sew late into the night (many nights I'm up until 4 or 5 in the morning) and all the following day then I run up to the PO right before they close at 5:30 (and at 3 on Saturdays). But tonight (meaning Friday night though technically it's Saturday morning now) I finished four more orders and rather than wait until tomorrow afternoon I wanted to get them out the door asap. I figured this way they head out to their destinations in the morning rather than waiting until the afternoon. So maybe they'll make it to their new homes a day sooner? Who knows! Anyways, Carter was still up watching Napoleon Dynamite (my kids are total night owls on the weekend, just like their mama) so he and I made a quick run up to the post office. Even if it was kinda creepy, how awesome is that little self serve machine thingee?!!? It weighs the packages and prints the labels, charges your credit card and spits out a receipt. Super cool! I may start shipping on Sundays now that I know how easy and convenient that machine is!

Late last night I made this little guy for a customer who asked for something red, yellow and blue without specifying any animal in particular (which by the way is my FAVORITE kind of request because then I get to try out some of the other design ideas I have cluttering up my mind right now)...

I messaged her to make sure she likes it before I ship it out but I'm still waiting to hear back. Secretly I'm hoping she HATES it so I can keep it for myself! lol I LOVE those polka dot tentacles! ;)


  1. omfg!!! I love that one :) :) look at you workin' so hard!

  2. It's so cute! (do I ever say anything else? but they all are! LOL) am sure she will love it. As for the PO, you're so lucky to have that! here in the UK, it just shuts at 6pm and thats just too bad otherwise. and during the day the queues are so long that there is no way to be able to go during lunch time as you'll spend the whole hour (and more) in the queue. Luckily sites like ebay let you print the stamps etc at home so you can just put it in the mailbox. So yay fro midnight post offices :)
