
misc. paper crafts

Another hobby... paper crafts. :) This originally sprang from my addiction to scrapbooking, I love to create gifts and decorative items with paper and glue. I'll be sharing some of those items here.

Thanks for looking!

I decorated this white board 'purse' using scrapbook paper, chipboard letters, stickers, tags and ribbon. In the end it doesn't actually get used for the intended legos ;) but it sure does look cute sitting up on the shelf! :)

I made this as an end of the year teacher gift. Using an empty container pilfered from my scrap stash I decorated with paper, ribbon, felt pieces and stickers. I cut a stack of cards out of plain white cardstock to fit perfectly inside the tin and stamped each of them. I also used the same stamp to decorate a chipboard tag to hang from the handle. My thought was, many parents get notes home about a child's "bad behavior"... but wouldn't it be nice to get a note home about GOOD behavior?! :)

My nephew had a class project like Flat Stanley, where they each made a "flat self" and sent them off to visit someone in another state or country. We were the lucky recipient of 'Flat Kurtis' and I created this little book of his adventures. I hand drew and cut every single page in the shape of Michigan.  Inside are pictures of the places we went and facts written out in story form. It was a lot of work but a very fun project.

I made this wipe off chore chart for my kids using an empty package from a Fancy Pants 12x12 felt set, scrapbook paper, stickers, buttons and a felt heart with a few pins to decorate. The strip on the left with the list of chores is separate from the larger pieces with the names/columns so it can be easily removed/replaced if chores change.
Karen Foster advent calendar decorated with ribbons and one sheet of Sassafras Lass paper. I covered all of the drawers first then cut some of the small characters out of the remaining pieces and added them to the drawer fronts with pop dots. My kids ask for MONTHS before Christmas if it's time to pull the calendar out yet. 

paper pinecone ornaments... I made this one as a Christmas gift for my son's teacher. Mixed papers from a few different lines and topped with a mish-mash of ribbons.

 I made this ornament using Basic Grey papers and it was featured in the Basic Grey email newsletter (December 2009).